

Hi! I'm Kevin.

I took up photography in early 2022, mostly so that I'd have an excuse to leave my apartment and enjoy nature. The pictures I took before this point were hastily shot cellphone pics and selfies with friends. These are important photos, but I hadn't put much thought into composure, lighting, or any technical aspects.

I'm still very much learning, so there will be plenty of "mistakes" here. I'm also branching out into different types of photography, so I'm hoping to make exciting new mistakes. Hopefully the chronological view shows some improvement as time goes on.

This site

No longer built on Wordpress!

I quickly threw together my previous gallery site using a popular Wordpress photo gallery plugin. It worked well for a few months, but all of my photos and albums were deleted after a routine update. I decided to rewrite the site from scratch instead of just re-adding my photos. Of course, I've used some external components, but no off-the-shelf CMS.

This domain used to point to my technical portfolio. Now that I'm happily employed, I'd rather share some photos I've taken while I'm not at work. I'm not on social media sites these days, so I'll be posting my new photos here.

I'm still in the process of adding some functionality to this site, but I feel it's finally in a "usable" state. Check back later for some collections!


The images on this website are protected by copyright.


  • Link back to this website if you share one of my photos on social media.
  • Do not use my photos for any commercial purpose.
